
Wednesday, September 10, 2014

DeKalb County Sunday Voting

Sen Fran Millar - Racist?

Sen. Fran Miller certainly created a firestorm with his sharp criticism of interim CEO Lee May's announcement of the opening of a Sunday voting site to be opened just prior to the general election in November, to be located at South DeKalb Mall.  He was concerned that this was UNFAIR because the new location is located in a predominantly African-American (meaning Democrat and uneducated) part of the county, whereas his Republican constituency (meaning white and wealthy) in the north end of the county were being denied an EQUAL OPPORTUNITY to vote.

All told, this is very consistent with the national Republican Party's remarkable efforts to deny the vote to poor and Democratic voters at every opportunity.

Perhaps if he had looked at a map he would have realized he just should have kept his mouth shut.