
Thursday, March 13, 2014

Another Map! After the LCA Is Forced (!) To Compromise With Tucker . . .

A new map for Tucker.

This map was negotiated between the LCA and Tucker2014 on the eve of the House Governmental Affairs Committee meeting ,held March 12, 2014, to consider SB 270 (the Lakeside incorporation bill.)

The apparent agreement would have allowed Lakeside to incorporate this year, using this map, while Tucker would have to wait until the 2015 session of the General Assembly.

The new Tucker?

The new Lakeside map (is this number 6?), and statements by Mary Kay Woodworth and Rep. Scott Holcomb, after the break.

The NEW Lakeside (when are the going to come up with a new name?)

The statement made by Mary Kay Woodworth, LCA Board Chair, March 13, 2014

Dear Lakeside Supporters:

We apologize that there has been no detail provided regarding the action yesterday at the House Governmental Affairs Committee meeting. Currently, we are waiting for a viewable copy of the compromise map; when received we will post on our Facebook page and our website.

Senator Millar made it very clear to us that because of political forces at work behind the scenes, the only way to move our bill forward was to reach this compromise with Tucker - remove part of the Midvale voting precinct and the Pleasantdale voting precinct. as well as the retail and commercial area south of Lavista Road (including Northlake Festival and Best Buy shopping center and industrial on Montreal Road).

If this was not agreed to, the ENTIRE Northlake commercial, retail, industrial area AND all property outside of the perimeter would be removed from our map and given to Tucker.

With this agreement, he and Senator Henson agreed that the Lakeside bill would move forward THIS session and the Tucker bill would move forward in 2015.

While neither Lakeside or Tucker was satisfied with this, we agreed in order to move the bill forward. This was a very difficult decision and we knew that it would disappoint a great number of loyal supporters and friends.

Yesterday, as previously reported, Representative Meadows apparently did not like this agreement, and he motioned to table SB 270.

Once again, we are obviously disappointed that the bill was not voted out of committee today, but remain optimistic that the legislation can be revived and passed before the end of session.

Don't forget, the one thing that is true in politics is that is not over until the gavel bangs.

Please continue you to contact your elected officials and make your voice heard! Contact information below.

Thank you for your continued support.


Mary Kay Woodworth, LCA Board Chair

The map used during the hearing as provided by Sen. Fran Millar. 

It would seem that the LCA never saw this map before it was dropped on the committee.

A statement by Rep. Scott Holcomb

The survey numbers sort of speak for themselves, you think?

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