
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Clarkston Files a Bill!

Clarkston Proposed Annexations.

On March 7, 2014, the City of Clarkston filed an annexation bill in the General Assembly. House Bill 1128 was sponsored by Representatives Michele Henson (D), 86th, Karla Drenner (D), 85th, Scott Holcom (D), 81st, Mike Jacobs (D), 80th, and Tom Taylor (R), 79th.

The areas proposed to be annexed were described by text in the body of the bill, and included Phase I, and Phase II, Area 2. These areas were described in a feasibility study that can be found on this blog, in the article posted February 23, 2014 titled The Optimistic Cartographer.

Both the bill, HB 1128, and a map illustrating the proposed annexation can be found after the break.

UPDATE 3/24/14: 

The annexation bill for Clarkston was approved by the Georgia House on March 11, by the Georgia Senate, as amended, on March 20, and re-approved by the House, as amended, on March 20. The amended bill added a second area to the northeast of Clarkston - Phase II, Area 1, as described in the Annexation Study, which can be found in the article titled The Optimistic Cartographer, March 11, 2014, on this blog.

As written, the Bill allows for two separate votes, one for each of the affected areas. As the votes are separate, either area could be approved for annexation, or not approved, independent of the vote in the other area. As per State law, residents inside the City of Clarkston, and residents in unincorporated areas of DeKalb County, will NOT have a vote.

The last minute change to the Bill, adding the area northeast of Clarkston, may have been in response to the bill allowing for the incorporation of Tucker failure to pass by committee, and would therefore not be in competition with Tucker. The last few maps for Tucker had removed this area from inclusion within the proposed Tucker boundaries.

It remains to be seen how voters will react to the prospect of annexation. Those residents in the northeast area may prefer to be included in the future City of Tucker and vote it down.

All maps and the final bill, after the break.

Clarkston maps of the proposed annexation areas:

This map of he City of Clarkston and the areas proposed for annexation, is now void. (pdf)

HB 1128 as approved by the General Assembly, March 20, 2014

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