
Saturday, March 22, 2014

Tucker Resident Honored by Legislature!


Tucker Resident Commended in House Resolution!

A Tucker resident was given an incredible honor by the House of Representatives in the closing days of its 2014 session, in a Resolution honoring and commending their contribution to our community. Coming as an absolute and total surprise, the Resolution recognizes the incredible work, community involvement and influence of our friend and neighbor.

We should all give a hearty Well Done! and Thank You! to this fine and upstanding citizen.

The formal Resolution can be found after the break.

Following is the House Resolution honoring SHOOMI, our great friend and honored guest. We at The Tucker Initiative couldn't be more proud!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe our legislature wastes time on such bs as this. Whomever brougt this forward should be called out for wasting OUR tax money and removed from office.
