
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

And the Saga Continues . . .

The Brookhaven Post has been diligent in its pursuit of the truth behind the Executive Park and CHOA request to be annexed into Brookhaven. On October 17, Tom Doolittle, a contributor to the Brookhaven Post, published an account of the DeKalb Delegation public hearing, held on October 13th in the Brookhaven City Hall. The article includes several videos of the meeting, the viewing of which is its own reward. His article can be found HERE.

The Post provided a follow up article today, found HERE, which includes maps provided by the property owners of the proposed annexation, as well as a composite map assembled by The Post. 

Smaller versions of those maps are reproduced here. (After the break.)

Executive Park:

Children's Healthcare of Atlanta

A composite version overlaid on Google Maps, by The Post

Hey! My earlier map guessing as to the extent of the annexation wasn't too far off! And who knows? Adjacent commercial properties may still choose to be included.

1 comment:

  1. City of Atlanta annexation maps have been located and this annexation into Brookhaven is a preemptive move to prevent being annexed into the City of Atlanta. Atlanta annexation borders were to go all the way to North Druid Hills Road and take in CHOA property as well.
