
Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Proposed New City of RandyRand

RandyRand - Our Hero!

I've gotten to know RandyRand so well over these last few months, that I felt so sorry for him when he mentioned yesterday that he didn't have a map of his very own.  So I did one for him!

After the break:

6/28/13 Update! Revised Map!

With this map, I've tried to accommodate all of RandyRand's priorities, to only include his friends and like-thinkers, and to keep all the riffraff out.  (Sorry, Herman, that includes you AND me!)

Highlights of the new City of RandyRand!
  • The new city motto - "A Name So Nice, We Say It Twice!"  (Everyone should have a motto!)
  • Lakeside High School has been renamed - The New RandyRand High School, Home of the Randies! (Unfortunately, the school mascot can not be printed in a family blog.)
  • Henderson Park has been renamed RandyRand Park!
  • A 99% Commercial/Industrial Tax Base.  RandyRand city residents need never pay taxes again!
  • The new City of RandyRand boundaries ignore highways and natural barriers, an important criteria dear to RandyRand's heart.
  • A nice long area to build the new Great Wall of GRRRRR! - designed to keep all those Scottdale Evil-doers, Miscreants and Home Value Wreckers at bay!
  • Everyone can run for office!
  • (OK, maybe a little cherry picking, or Republican inspired gerrymandering. Awkward but necessary to meet RandyRand's high standards.)

For you, RandyRand!  Cheers!

For those of you unfamiliar with RandyRand, you can find him all over the Tucker and North Druid Hills - Briarcliff Patch online community newspapers.  You can count his admirers on . . . one, uh two . . . one hand!


  1. I am completely flattered by your humor and my fictional City Roast: But lets work on a few upgrades to the map just to keep the fun rolling 1. Perhaps we could call it RandyRand Land.
    2. We need entry fees to visit RandyRand Land. 3. We need a mote or draw bridge up near DECA
    4. You forgot we need to rename Main street in Tucker Butter Bean Drive. 5. I think we should line the streets and parks with Cherry Trees. Can't have Cherry Picken without Cherries.

    1. Well, if I change it to RandyRand Land, then your motto sorta loses its appeal. We should probably pass on that. I will however, change RandyRand Park to RandyRand Land, because that will work great! It can be like Dollywood!

      With regard to entry fees and city defenses near DECA, you'll just need to work that out with the 11 other city citizens. I had already assumed that the City of RandyRand would have set up tollbooths at all major thoroughfares in order to collect the Commuter Carbon Tax tolls.

      Don't let your new powers as Mayor go to your head. You'll have no authority in Tucker to be renaming anything.

  2. So much for that "be respectful of others" rule.
