
Thursday, January 30, 2014

I'm Not Playing Around!

Cheryl Miller January 30, 2014 at 11:20 AM
rwf, last chance to remove the post about me from your website. I'm not playing around. Your post is false and harmful to me personally. Remove it, please.

Posted to The Tucker Patch, 1/30/2014, to a Herman Lorenz blog post, Where Are We (and Is That a Question For the Post Office?)

Check out the original article, here.

And, apparently, this article will be continued, after the break.

rwf January 30, 2014 at 05:58 PM
To those of you who may be just a little bit confused by Cheryl Miller's . . . threat (?) :

Cheryl added to the comment thread as so:
Cheryl Miller January 31, 2014 at 08:44 AM
If anyone has any questions about my sincerity or my involvement, I welcome you to go back to the beginning of my blog and read some of the early posts so you understand how I got dragged into any of this. I am really shocked that you would even post a link to your article, rwf, because you are only calling attention to the kind of person that you are. If you would be so arrogant to treat a parent in this community, the one you say that you are so devoted to preserving, with such disrespect then you are harming your own credibility and risk your own reputation far more than you will hurt mine. And, if you have connections to local politicians, as I suspect you do since your blog site was provided to several of them as if it were the official Tucker website, then you are harming their reputations among their own constituents, too. I'm sure they will appreciate the fact that you could have quietly removed your angry post and insulting personal remarks without any further discussion, but instead you chose to behave in an irrational and sexist manner, showing your true colors instead. I'm sure they will be very glad you offered your help because this is the kind of friend every politician really needs in his corner, right?

rwf January 31, 2014 at 09:43 AM
Cheryl Bomb-ed, AGAIN! Oh my . . . . : 

Cheryl Miller January 31, 2014 at 09:50 AM
... And, by the way, rwf says, "the cabal that has a death grip on DeKalb County." Really? Who is the conspiracy theorist now?


  1. While I certainly appreciate how irate Cheryl Miller can make a person, I'm not sure it's a great idea to keep engaging her. She thrives on conflict and there is no way to "win" an argument with someone who is paranoid and delusional at best and mentally unstable at worst.

    1. Don't I know it. Everyone who's anyone in the incorporation movement had mutually decided to not give Cheryl the time of day, but sometimes its just so hard to ignore her. She's just so EASY!

  2. Uh-oh, pages and pages of incoherent ranting and raving in the Patch comments...someone is off their medication again.

    1. Well, it's nice to see I have at least two regular visitor to my little blog. Other than Anonymous, its seems that Cheryl is also a frequent visitor.

  3. Posted by the Tucker Initiative, a reprint of a Cheryl comment on the Tucker Patch

    Cheryl Miller February 02, 2014 at 01:04 AM
    I would like to know how asking questions to self appointed leadership is equated to impugning someone's integrity? I don't even think Sonja has ever addressed any questions directly. And she did not speak before the legislature, so who did? Where is his bio? What about Penkava? Neither are listed as board members yet are doing all the talking? If you do not agree with asking questions, you will get the exact same problems as we have now. I have been respectful in every thing I have asked. The disrespect that is being shown is to the Tucker community, first be Lakeside and now by the non-transparent process that is working toward a terrible divide in our community that will bring more harm than good. You want to put faith in someone blindly, then go right ahead. But, I have plenty of facts .... And there are plenty of people who are listening. I am not concerned about that. What I want is for the lies - outright lies - to stop and be removed before I am forced to take more serious action. I am not a public figure and yet I am being attacked like one. That should be illegal. These other folks were soliciting $30k and then playing games like school children . If you don't believe me, then ask them yourself. Something simple like " who drew the map" should not be considered an attack. And selecting a Tmobile person to run the fin inches should concern us as they have a terrible reputation in their own industry.

    1. Cheryl, the disrespect you see is for you, and you alone. You have certainly earned it with your hypocrisy, hyperbole, cyberbullying, unsupported facts and specious arguments. You are the only one, THE ONLY ONE, who garners such a negative reaction from other posters on The Patch comment threads. And there is a reason for that - You Ask For It!

      People are tired of you. You ask questions that are answered, or have been previously answered, and yet you refuse to listen and learn. And you come back. And back. And back once again. With the same tired questions, the same offensive attitude, the same lies, the same 'Little Ol' Me?' bullshit. And then you wonder why people don't want to deal with you?

      You state that you are not a public figure. Well, unfortunately, Cheryl, and it gags me to say this, but your *aachhhh* ARE a public figure *uuhhhsshit*, if only through your STFLC and GTCO Facebook pages, your Patch blog articles and your Patch comments. Everything you do and say in all of these contexts are open and free for anyone to react to, and you certainly deserve far worse than what is published on those sites.

      There is no terrible divide in our community. On one side we have people engaged in an intelligent and reasoned conversation about our future, and on the other side is - Cheryl Miller. You stand alone in your negativity, Cheryl, where sadly you have to resort to fabricating additional identities on The Patch and on your Facebook pages, just so you can pretend to have supporters or people who agree with you. What a joke you've become, Cheryl. What a joke.

      And PLEASE Cheryl, show us the lies that are out there, the ones that you can prove. Give us a taste of all those facts you have, ones that can be proven true, and are not your poorly fabricated opinions or shallow misunderstandings.

      So there's your challenge, Cheryl. Deal with me HERE. Not on The Patch. Stop insulting everyone else's intelligence. You can no longer insult mine.

  4. Posted by the Tucker Initiative, a reprint of a Cheryl comment on the Tucker Patch

    Cheryl Miller February 02, 2014 at 09:31 AM
    Rwf says on his website ... "Don't I know it. Everyone who's anyone in the incorporation movement had mutually decided to not give Cheryl the time of day, but sometimes its just so hard to ignore her. She's just so EASY!" You mean you just decided to ignore the questions of a citizen who will be affected by your "incorporation movement" - that ought to be very interesting for legislators and other citizens to know. How about just answering the questions instead of trying to insult and disparage those who ask. And, here's one for you .... when did "the incorporation movement" become one single entity that you could all collectively agree on something? Or is this the way it has been all along? There are no separate groups - never have been. That is why none of the groups can offer an original statement, thought or idea that they don't all agree upon and restate back and forth like it is the voice of the community. Your "community" has little to do with the voting public. What a bunch of B.S.

    1. Cheryl, I decide nothing. I simply do not have that kind of influence in the community. What I can tell you is that when I do have the chance to discuss the various issues of incorporation with my friends in the various groups, your name will occasionally come up, which is when we all stop for a moment, we ALL roll our eyes, and then we all enjoy a little laugh. And then someone will spit on the ground, and someone else will plead 'Oh Gawd, no. Don't bring up Cheryl!' And then we move on to something that is actually important. Needless to say, Cheryl, despite all your efforts, no one, NO ONE, seriously involved within the incorporation groups has any respect for you. None at all.

      I HAVE answered your questions before, Cheryl, many times, but you just refuse to listen. You apparently don't realize it but you and I HAVE spoken briefly after two of the community meetings months ago. I remember you very clearly, and it was all I could do to keep my composure while we talked. What is most amusing is how little it takes to get you going off on one of your little tirades.

      Of course, I am violating The Pact by engaging you on The Patch, and here on my blog. Everyone I speak to, everyone who knows who I am, all plead with me to stop encouraging you, to let you do your thing without answer, to not give you any credibility. But, I feel sorry for you Cheryl, I really do. You seem to be intelligent, you write better than most, and you seem to care. So, I'm willing to give it a shot. I will try to teach you about the issues regarding incorporation, disassemble your specious arguments, and show you how to engage in a debate with proper respect for your opponent and for yourself. Tough lessons to be sure, so it remains to be seen if you are up to it. You can start by going through all the previous articles I've posted here to The City of Tucker Initiative. Good luck.

  5. Posted by the Tucker Initiative, a reprint of a Cheryl comment on the Tucker Patch. (Posted earlier to the main body of the article, I have copied it here to allow a direct response.

    Cheryl Miller January 31, 2014 at 08:44 AM
    If anyone has any questions about my sincerity or my involvement, I welcome you to go back to the beginning of my blog and read some of the early posts so you understand how I got dragged into any of this. I am really shocked that you would even post a link to your article, rwf, because you are only calling attention to the kind of person that you are. If you would be so arrogant to treat a parent in this community, the one you say that you are so devoted to preserving, with such disrespect then you are harming your own credibility and risk your own reputation far more than you will hurt mine. And, if you have connections to local politicians, as I suspect you do since your blog site was provided to several of them as if it were the official Tucker website, then you are harming their reputations among their own constituents, too. I'm sure they will appreciate the fact that you could have quietly removed your angry post and insulting personal remarks without any further discussion, but instead you chose to behave in an irrational and sexist manner, showing your true colors instead. I'm sure they will be very glad you offered your help because this is the kind of friend every politician really needs in his corner, right?

    1. You were 'dragged into . . . this.'? Excuse me, Cheryl, but you stepped into this body and soul. No one forced you into this, and you are no Shining Knight sent from above to save us from ourselves. This was very much your own decision, your own conceit and your own failure. If you don't like the fallout, you have no one to blame but yourself.

      I posted a link back to the article that upset you so much to make sure that any interested party could fully understand the issue, and just how ludicrous and foolhardy your claims are. I am quite happy with the person that I am, the positions I have taken and my willingness to stand up to a bully. And that is all you are, Cheryl, a bully. You may be a woman and a mother, but that hasn't prevented you from abusing the sincere and hard-working folks fighting for Tucker's incorporation or from you throwing around unfounded and asinine conspiracy theories right and left. It is not sexist for me to challenge your words; it would be sexist of me to not do so if only because you are a woman and a parent. (And what does being a parent have to do with anything?) My credibility is just fine, Cheryl, as I have been consistent and truthful in my arguments, something that you cannot honestly say.

      I have very few connections to local politicians, and I can honestly state that, as far as I know, only one local politician knows me by name. And how can you possibly state that this site was presented to them as the official Tucker website? Another asinine and false Cheryl claim, with no basis in fact whatsoever. I can assure you, Cheryl, there's not one politician alive who gives a rat's ass about this site.

      Do you somehow think you have some sort of RIGHT to censor my words, on my site, the same way you censor anyone who disagrees with you on your Facebook page? Talk about disrespect, Cheryl, your actions on a website you control are far more indicative of the type of person YOU are - disrespectful, abusive, weak, shallow, ignorant, foolish - the list goes on.

      Although I only claim to speak for myself, I am sure many who come to my blog appreciate and respect my words and actions far more than yours. I make no specious claims, I make no fallacious arguments, I don't bandy about insults and nasty invective. Not like you.

    2. Well said. Unfortunately, everything you say about Cheryl Miller is true, proved time and time again in many different interactions on many different media outlets and in many interpersonal interactions.

      What baffles me is why she continues in her Don Quixote-esque fashion. Some recent examples:

      +She uses just as much wireless/cellular technology as the rest of us, yet she wants to ban cell towers and warns often of the dangers of wireless technology. She allows her child to use it freely, as does she, herself.
      +She drives her child to a private school, yet ceaselessly complains about the Dekalb school system and the traffic issues caused by what she considers too many people driving their kids to private schools (hypocrite, anyone) while not doing anything to make it better other than incoherent internet ranting.
      +She has posted personal information, photos and accusations about a member of her community on her Facebook page without any foundation or basis in reality.
      +She continues to stir up unrest in any way she can through her delusional ramblings on a community website, without adding any constructive information or contributing to the forward momentum in any way.

      What Ms. Miller continues to prove about herself and her outlook on life is very, very sad. Sad for her, sad for her child and sad for all of the people who have to continually respond to her nonsense online and in person every day.

      I don't believe that anything said here or anywhere else will actually get through to her because she is incapable of self-reflection or of seeing anyone else's point of view.
      In many cases, people like this are considered to be sociopathic. In Ms. Miller's case, who knows, but the bottom line is she is best left to her own devices.

  6. Posted by the Tucker Initiative, a reprint of a Cheryl comment on the Tucker Patch.

    Cheryl Miller February 02, 2014 at 07:40 PM
    Tom, not the Tucker that has been mapped out by our city group. It contains many who, like in Brookhaven, could easily wake up one day to find that they now live in Tucker and be both shocked and angry. And, we are leaving many of our own behind without any explanation or notification. This process and the nasty people involved in it are driving many good people away from the whole mess. You can't shield children from everything and this whole thing has gone far beyond any decent thing you can, as a parent, consider to be an opportunity for teaching. Elementary school is not the time for cynicism to be developed, but sadly that is what people of all ages are learning here. This is how a "new" government is acting already and they haven't been elected to do anything or represent anyone, yet they already act like they do. They keep secrets, tell lies and want our trust and our money? What kind of person attacks a mother in their own community who only wants to stand up for what is right and make sure her friends and neighbors are not taken advantage of or who wants to make sure her child's school and community is safe? Seriously, rwf, what is wrong with you? Are you contributing anything positive by what you are saying or doing? Do you think you are somehow better than me? Or better than my family so much that you should be able to say anything you want, write anything you want and just spread rumors and lies like a 12 year old girl? I have no idea what your hotel comment above is suggesting, but I am finished addressing you. Come out of hiding or leave me alone. One or the other.

    1. You're right, Cheryl. There is very little positive I can contribute when addressing your words, your positions, your personal attacks and your bullying. You set the tone, Cheryl, not me.

      Once again, Cheryl, I ask you. What lies? What rumors?
