Another article posted to the AJC on June 18, 2013
Burrell Ellis, is CEO of DeKalb County. Despite his recent indictment on felony charges, he finally weighs in on the incorporation movement currently raging in DeKalb County. His article was posted to the AJC along with the previous article written by Mary Kay Woodworth and Jason Lary.
Disregarding his recent difficulties, its about time that someone representing DeKalb County stepped up to address the burning issues driving the incorporation movement. It remains to be seen if his successor chooses to pursue this issue in a positive manner and offers real constructive solutions, or if he will fall back on the old-news and inconsequential standard response of DeKalb County leadership of shouting 'No, No, No ! ! !'
A New Model for Cooperation
By Burrell Ellis, CEO, DeKalb County
Since 2008, DeKalb County has seen a growing interest in
cityhood and annexation movements. For some communities, that interest is
related to localized control and having more say on how taxes should be spent.
For others, it is about obtaining additional revenue to support growing demands
for services. Some neighborhoods are even now exploring options to incorporate
merely as a defense mechanism from being drawn into other proposed cities where
they lack “common interests.”