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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

House Governmental Affairs Hearing on SB 270

Recording of the Governmental Affairs Committee to consider SB 270.

The most critical news out of this hearing is a motion to table further consideration of SB 270 to later in the Session.

Sen. Millar stated that Lakeside and Tucker had agreed to a mutual map whereas Lakeside removed the Midvale Elementary area (which I assume includes Hernderson Park) and the commercial areas south of Northlake Mall from their map. This would leave the Evansdale and Pleasantdale Elementary School areas within Lakeside, but how the line is drawn through the Livsey area is unstated.

Rep. Mary Margaret Oliver essentially gave up on Briarcliff and threw her support to Tucker, and made the motion to substitute the Tucker bill for Lakeside. This was voted down.

Another Representative on the Committee, John Meadows (R) Calhoun, noted the confusion present in the changed Lakeside bill (SB 270) and made the motion to table further consideration for that meeting. This was approved by 8-7 vote. It should be noted that Rep. Meadows is the powerful Chairman of the House Rules Committee.

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